Peace Night =)
As u can read from the title,
The theme for our performance is called PEACE,
everything about peace,
no War, no nuclear,love the environment and please love life =)
Every hombu has atleast one performance
(for yr information, hombu is represent the area , mine is Hombu 3)
& Hombu 3 was chosen to perform Choral speaking
Below are the photo taken during practice and rehearsal =)

On the actual day,
before we went to Tambun ,
we heard that that was some accident happen on the penang bridge,
some cable burns ,for safe, they've close 2 out of 3 lanes.
we try to used Ferry but there are even jam...
the long-Q can be count in KM, LOL xDDD

the actual time for the performance was about 7.30pm
and for Hombu 3,as we are the last group to present,
so the time between7.30 to 10.0
all we can do is Take, take take photo! =D

but pls ignore the 2 form the right, they aren't ,
come luan only =/

and all the choral SPEAKER =)

love peace!
I'm proud of myself cuz i remember all the script and the move!
ahahhahaha xDDD
they are going to have a party to celebrate our success!
So, is all about eating and playing!!
looking forward =)
**i glad that i've meet all of them =)
and one more thing, is in mandarin! =)