Puzzle dream~
There is one thing that i really want to blog about my holiday is this---->
Taddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaa, is Puzzle.

i got this from OneU in The Puzzle house!
yes, i know is kinda old fashion and non of you is playing right now.
To complete a puzzle is always one of my little dream,
and disney--Winnie the Pooh as the very-first one =D
i only bought 500 pieces!!! is okay for a beginner like me!
I'm ready!!!! =D
i used 20 min to complete the layout and another 1 hrs to complete the only-colour-part of the puzzle which is Winnie and friends standing there pointing the start.
Here comes my nightmare, the rest of the pieces i have is BLUE! everything is BLUE!!

i almost fainted!! is SOOOO FREAKING HARD to find the right piece!! @@
i spend 2 days to complete this --------->
Third day....
and I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the magic trick my puzzle has! glow at the night AHHAHAHHAH!! **slapself***
Ohhh, never forget to mention i bought a frame too!!
and now is up on my room!! =D
Taddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaa, is Puzzle.
i got this from OneU in The Puzzle house!
yes, i know is kinda old fashion and non of you is playing right now.
To complete a puzzle is always one of my little dream,
and disney--Winnie the Pooh as the very-first one =D
Here comes my nightmare, the rest of the pieces i have is BLUE! everything is BLUE!!
i spend 2 days to complete this --------->
SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhh, never forget to mention i bought a frame too!!
and now is up on my room!! =D