the sixth day of new year

way back home
when to queensbay mall for movie and shop.
we watch 2 movie again,
my friends say we crazy 1 alw watch 2 movie at the same day.
we watch 大喜事 &家有喜事.
i prefer the first movie.
it's more funny compare to the second one.
but, alots of people prefer to watch the second 1.
em.......not the same taste lol.
after finish watching two of the movie,
the rest of them went home le,
& again,
just left two of us.
we when to the food court to have our dinner.
then when home @ 8.
mom give shin leh an ang pau lo.
today is ocean 开工的日子。
means that they need to work after today lo.
mom give us each an ang pau.
(i'm the manager for ocean ofcourse got ang pau)^.^
then when to the restoren 。。。
the food is tasty lo.
the best part of the day is,
my brother become a braver lo!!
he drive me home by car!
first time ever!!
cool leh*.*
if for the last time i am totally scare for that,
but now i just feel excited nya.......
got first time sure got the second time,
waiting it ^.^