Food =)
harloha people on the earth!
Today is all about food !
Last Thursday and this Thursday ,
we went to Subway during our lunch time!
This is my very first time!
i'm kinda excited =D
u know la,
i always went to McD as im the loyalty fans of Filet there xD
the only photo i take.
it was a nice try and i love it!
They have a promotion name Sub-of-the-day,
which they will serve u different burger everyday wif a more lower price.
i have try the Thursday one,
smtg called turkey breast and turkey ham,
and i wanna try the special sub for Tuesday!
is a tuna thing!! i want i want!
cuz i love Tuna =DDDD
this is now become my favorite snack during break time!
i alw buy ,buy, buy and eat, eat, eat until all my friends are crazy!
bo huat mah,
i really love it mah...
always remember a slogan,
Popo 好, nga nga =DDDDDDDD
it's cute, seriously
now everyday all i think is just FOOD!!
What should i eat 2moro =P
Today is all about food !
Last Thursday and this Thursday ,
we went to Subway during our lunch time!
This is my very first time!
i'm kinda excited =D
u know la,
i always went to McD as im the loyalty fans of Filet there xD
it was a nice try and i love it!
They have a promotion name Sub-of-the-day,
which they will serve u different burger everyday wif a more lower price.
i have try the Thursday one,
smtg called turkey breast and turkey ham,
and i wanna try the special sub for Tuesday!
is a tuna thing!! i want i want!
cuz i love Tuna =DDDD
this is now become my favorite snack during break time!
i alw buy ,buy, buy and eat, eat, eat until all my friends are crazy!
bo huat mah,
i really love it mah...
always remember a slogan,
Popo 好, nga nga =DDDDDDDD
it's cute, seriously
now everyday all i think is just FOOD!!
What should i eat 2moro =P