Finally i found some topic that i want to share wif u guys!
Currently i'm addicted wif 2 facebook games,
the 1st will be>>

Baking life!
just like the name, is about baking.
my cousin introduce it to me =)
damn fun lo although u just like bake, bake, sale and sale
but i still like it!
you know what i'm in level 80!!!
u though very easy to reach this level ar?
got some tactic xD
This is how the shop look like,
but the picture above was not my bakery shop
i just found it from net.
my com can't print screen soooooo...
here is the 2nd game >>>>
Fashion world!!
u r the manager in this game,
u can sew or design yr own clothes to sale it.
and they got some fashion show/competition!
so cute right?
n this is how i'm going to spend my last week of holiday,
yeah to it =)))
Finally i found some topic that i want to share wif u guys!
Currently i'm addicted wif 2 facebook games,
the 1st will be>>

Baking life!
just like the name, is about baking.
my cousin introduce it to me =)
damn fun lo although u just like bake, bake, sale and sale
but i still like it!
you know what i'm in level 80!!!
u though very easy to reach this level ar?
got some tactic xD

but the picture above was not my bakery shop
i just found it from net.
my com can't print screen soooooo...
here is the 2nd game >>>>

u r the manager in this game,
u can sew or design yr own clothes to sale it.
and they got some fashion show/competition!
so cute right?
n this is how i'm going to spend my last week of holiday,
yeah to it =)))