
Lorhaaaaaaaaa people!
so damn boring here!
i got alotssssssss of assignment but i hv no idea what should i do!
sometimes it makes me feel that college do kill ppl har?
but when i think of form 6 ,
i knw college should be easy-bizzy, like nuts =/
i want to complain or shall i said, release stress to someone
but i couldn't find one...
HAizzzz...wat a life =/
i haven know my mid-term result,
but i will prepare for the worst and hope for the BEST, the very BEST!!!
damn that octopus,
i'm so confuse wif all the notes he give to us!
HARLO? can u write in english pls?
stupid ps n pr chasing me all the time to death...
no one believe that is this 2 dumn subject who pressure me all the time
but THIS IS TRUTH okayyyyyyyyyyy...
i can't believe when he told me NO ONE FAILED ps before,
n i dunwan to be the first
ABC him !@#$%%^&&$@@#