NRSK wif sof toy =)
Now i announced that my one week of break is officially END!!
what did i do for the whole week?
Emmmm, i think except for the camp is consider as "smtg" the rest is "ntg"!
what camp that i'm talking about?
(is not a camp actually, but "camp" is the most easier way for everyone to understand it)
is my Soka Gakkai Student devision studies meet
Student > means those who is now study form 6, college or Uni
is only for the Northem Region which include Kedah, Penang and Perak,
2 years once,
so each state will take turn to organize.
for 2011 is PERAK!
3D2N is fun!
learn so much, and thank you THEM for all the hard work!

then today receive a gift from a Friend, Miss.Jade !
is a white sheep with magnetic at "her" leg,
i assumed it is a magnetic bookmark!
seriously i like it so much! =)
though i look like a man, but i love cute stuff!

we are 3 J! =D

* Suddenly i realize there is a LOT of assignment due date is on next week!