Dream ohhh dreamm

Dear diary,
its had been a long time since the last updated,
Everything doesn't went well for the past few weeks.
Actually, there is not much things happen but the one and only does hurt me quite a lot,
not onlycfor today but forever.
Oh well, it seen like everyone though the main reason for me to feel sad is because "i been bend"
but nahh, this is not the main reason,
the only reason that i feel sad is :
why do you have to bend me until the last part,
i mean it only left one last part (500 words more , i guess)
but the most scary part is
i was thinking what's "she" is thinking when she know i kena this?
Anyway, i found it quite fun,
at least i did DREAM before (Everyone deserve to dream-- one of my favorite quote)
and the dream is extremely beautiful! =)
I never though I can do this also!
I was thinking "can i do a better job if it is in my comfortable zone? i mean in mandarin?)
Waoooooooooooooooooooo =)
maybe i really can!
i shall try it one day!
**Weee wang wanggg, bibbububibibubibibubiu (alien language! LOL)