A blink of eyes,
October is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Except for Germini (from 21th May to 2oth Jun, ),
the 2nd month most of our Gang born was October!
there is a total 3 of them!! =)
The first one happens on the early July--Chelsea.
we celebrate her birthday at Deluxious,
even though is so called a-high-class restaurant
but sorry,
i didn't really enjoy it and i do not feel going again.
is not to said the food is bad, or the there is environment problem,
is just....not intresting...
this is the most "Suprise" birthday we ever had,
not only for birthday girl, but also all of the planner! LOL
2nd---KAH YEE a.k.a ky
she is part of us eventhough she seldom join us for outing/lunch/grouping.
a simple celebration at the college for her!
Acc from her,
this is the 3rd cake she got! i think she got cake phobia alr!
Lastly ----Ming
Mr.Spec is a childish person,
so we have to plan something Childish too!
beside this, we make some different by choosing another bakery shop!
no more RITZ! AHAHHA xD
Feel super great cuz no one birthday on November! WAHAHHAHA